In a crowded group, something catches Sam’s eye. He takes a good look and thinks to himself… that is one amazing avocado! Feeling butterflies in his stomach, he decides to move in closer. Sam introduces himself and lucky for him, that avocado was feeling something similar! She was digging his Olaf onesie and that Halloween will go down in history as how Jess & Sam met!
After hitting it off at their gym’s Halloween party, Jess & Sam went on a first date at Silver Lake Park in Rochester and had a blast! After dating a while, Jess and Sam were visiting Jess’ family in the winter. Sam asked Jess if she wanted to get outside but Jess was feeling comfortable in the warmth. Sam persisted and was able to get Jess outside snowshoeing. While in the backyard, he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. “SHUT up! Is this for real?” were her first words!
Jess was so shocked she can’t even remember if she said yes, but we’re sure she did! Jess and Sam are so great together and it was so awesome to see how much fun they have together. Not only is it clear they love each other, they both love their dog, Millie! Millie even got to come join us for some pictures! She’s such a great dog and they all make such a cute family! We had such a great time during their engagement session and we love how they chose to do photos at the location of their first date! We’re so happy for you two and we’re excited for your wedding!

[…] met with their avocado and Olaf story 🙂 If you haven’t heard the story, check it out from their engagement blog! Sam even gave Jess an avocado themed pre-wedding gift which can be seen in the photos […]